The new warheads come in several sizes and forms, and are designed for use creating missiles, rockets, torpedoes, self destruct systems, or whatever else you want to see blow up. Get ready to build your own turrets, ammo handling systems, targeting systems, and integrate into your existing creations! The weapons are broken down into receiver, barrel, ammo belt and ammo drum modules. The new modular weapons include several different calibres of cannon, as well as miniguns and machine guns. This expansion pack is required for functioning weapons and explosives in Stormworks. This expansion includes new and fully functioning modular vehicle weapons, hand-held items and mission content. These games all have in common, a complex control system that can be put to use in imaginative and creative ways to get the edge over your opponents.Stormworks: Search and Destroy is the weapons expansion pack for Stormworks. Or it could be learning the complex move lists in a game like Street Fighter. Maybe it’s learning the perfect combination of angles and trajectories in Videoball. Or, perhaps, it’s using the limited running and jumping slightly better than other players to get a win in Fall Guys. This might be understanding how the propulsion of your car lets you take to the air and hit a perfect shot in Rocket League. Whether you rise through the league tables, or just improve compared to your family, the satisfaction or getting to grips with something so monumentally challenging is really satisfying. Rather than offering assistance, these games leave you to it. Rather than relying on the stats of your character or player, you have to execute the moves yourself with timing proficiency and instinct. Whereas many games simplify getting around, these games make the complexity and depth of their movement systems part of the joy of playing them. There are a small group of games that hone this challenge down to the mechanics of moving around the environment. It takes time to understand their systems, mechanics, objectives and worlds. When someone plays a game too much it’s easy to think they are taking an easy route to something entertaining, like junk food. Games offer us challenges on many levels. Add to this the combination of swinging, gliding and using architecture to transition smoothly from floor to sky and its clear that this can take many years to perfect. Techniques like Strafe-jumping, Circle Jumping and Bunny Hopping enable players to squeeze fast motion from their character. The movement aspect of play also adds another significant skill to learn in these games. Movement Shooters get around this unpopular technique (sometimes called "camping") because the ability to rapidly move through the world enables you to find and deal with hiding snipers. In a standard shooting game, a viable tactic is to hide somewhere and pick off enemies as they appear in the distance. This not only adds novelty to the otherwise repetitive nature of shooting games, but changes how they are played more generally. Along with the usual walking, running, crouching, there are ways to swing, jetpack, climb, wall-run and generally use parkour-style motion to get where you need to be. Movement Shooters are shooting games where you have a high degree of control of how your character moves around the world. The simple aiming and firing mechanic is creatively combined with other aspects of play that greatly alters the experience. However, not all shooting games are the same. Video games are often known for their gun play.